Keynote Speakers
Keynote 1: Feng Hao - End-to-end verifiable e-voting - a cryptographic perspective
![Feng Hao Feng Hao](/user/pages/01.e-vote-id-2024/05.keynote-speakers/speaker-feng-hao.jpg)
Feng Hao is a Professor of Security Engineering at the Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick. His research is primarily driven by tackling real-world security problems and some of his research outputs have been adopted by standards and used in practical applications. He received an ERC starting grant on “Self-Enforcing E-Voting System: Trustworthy Election in Presence of Corrupt Authorities” (2013-2018) and a follow-up ERC proof-of-concept grant. With Peter Ryan, he co-edited a book "Real-World Electronic Voting: Design, Analysis and Deployment" (2017, CRC Press).
Keynote 2: Lexi Merrick Boiro - Selling Integrity: Enhancing transparency, accountability, and inclusion in election technology vendors
![Lexi Merrick Lexi Merrick](/user/pages/01.e-vote-id-2024/05.keynote-speakers/speaker-lexi-merrick.jpg)
Lexi Merrick Boiro is a Program Director with the National Democratic Institute’s Elections and Political Processes team. She primarily serves as a technical advisor to citizen election observation organizations across the globe, supporting systematic monitoring of pre-election processes and election day.
Keynote 3: Michelle Brown - AI in Elections
Michelle Brown is an independent Electoral Consultant and serves as a CEO of Curious Fox Labs.